Frequently Asked Questions
Are your products FDA approved?
My products are not approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. Please consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before using.
These products and information are for EDUCATION purposes only. The results you get from these products vary depending on things such as your individual physiology. Every body is different and what herbs works one way for one person may not work the exact same way for the next person. Please do your own research regarding herbs, their actions, and any contraindications.
Are your products organic?
Yes! I only work with organically grown and responsibly wildcrafted herbs. They are either grown in my medicinal garden, gathered from the wild (away from contaminants, roads etc.), or bought from organic herb growers.
The oils I use are cold pressed and organic, and the beeswax used in my salves comes from local bees.
Where did you learn herbalism?
My love of plants and my basic knowledge of plant medicine began with my mom. She knew wild plants, which ones could heal a wound and which ones we could safely forage. She also liked to offer up a little bit of whisky to speed the healing. There was a time we laughingly referred to her as “the witch doctor,” but both myself and my daughter are now practicing herbalists so I guess you can say it runs in the family.
I am largely self taught but I follow some amazing herbalists, whom I consider my mentors, and I find that there is so much to learn about our plant allies. It’s a lifetime long endeavor and I am continually learning.
A couple of years ago I enrolled in the Homegrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine run by Dr. Patrick Jones. His school was recommended to me by my daughter who was already enrolled. I highly recommend studying under Doc Jones. He is a practicing naturopath physician, herbalist, and veterinarian who uses the same herbs to treat his people patients and his animal patients. Needless to say, his program is VERY comprehensive and if you are interested in studying herbalism this is a great place to do so. Here is an affiliate link if you’d like to register for his school. Sign Up *Please note that I will receive a small commission if you sign up through this link.
Are your tinctures made with alcohol?
Yes, the majority of my tinctures are made with alcohol. The process involves putting the herbs into 80-100 proof vodka and letting them macerate in the dark for 6 weeks. This gives the alcohol time to pull all of the medicinal properties from the herbs.
Can children take tinctures?
This is, of course, up to the parents. Children over the age of two are often given tinctures by weight. If they weigh 1/4 of what you do, you would give them 1/4 of the dose. I often recommend that you add the tincture to a cup of boiling water and let it sit for 15-20 minutes to let the alcohol evaporate off before giving it to children or other alcohol sensitive people.
Why are products sometimes out of stock?
Because the growing season is not year round here in Idaho, and herbs grow seasonally, I sometimes run out of products during certain times of the year. I would rather be “out of stock” than pass along inferior herbs to you. This is exactly why I am intent on expanding my growing operation, so I’m then able to provide quality, organically grown herbs to you (fingers crossed) all year long.
Feel free to contact me with any other inquiries through the contact page. I’d love to hear from you!