Ancient Medicine

Hi Friends, and welcome to my website. I am very honored that you stopped by.

I hope you find what you’re looking for here. By that I don’t just mean my herbs or herbal products. I mean that I hope you find wisdom and validation in your choice to use and learn more about how plants can help to support your body in whatever you may be dealing with.

When I’m out and about sharing my herbal products at different events in my community people sometimes refer to it as “alternative medicine.” Believe me when I tell you that I’m quick to correct them. Plant medicine is not “alternative medicine.” Plant medicine is “Ancient Medicine.” Humans all over the world have been using plants to heal themselves and support their health since the beginning of time, whereas pharmaceuticals have only been used for a little over a hundred years, and as you probably know, early ones were originally derived from plants themselves.

 My goal as an herbalist is now, and will always be, to educate and help people understand that in many cases there are “alternatives” to the comes with a list of nasty side effects pharmaceuticals.

Or should I say there are “Ancients?” :)

May the plants be with you,

Jana 💚